Escape Sequences in Nu Strings

Wednesday October 17, 2007

With Nu-0.2.0, Nu now supports character escape sequences in strings.

Supported sequences

These escape sequences are supported:

\n newline (0x0a)
\r carriage return (0x0d)
\f formfeed (0x0c)
\b backspace (0x08)
\a bell (0x07)
\e escape (0x1b)
\s space (0x20)
\nnn octal byte
\xnn hexadecimal byte
\unnnn unicode character (16 bits)
\x character x

Controlling escaping

Escape sequences are supported in both double-quoted and here strings. Double-quoted strings are escaped by default. For example, "foo\nbar" is parsed as a seven-character string with a newline in the middle.

Strings that are prefixed with a minus sign (-) explicitly disable escaping. For example, -"foo\nbar" is parsed as an eight character string with a slash and 'n' in the middle.

Strings that are prefixed with a plus sign (+) explicitly enable escaping. For example, +"foo\nbar" is parsed as a seven-character string with a newline in the middle.

Here strings that begin with the "<<-" notation explicitly disable escaping. The following example shows an unescaped string:

(set x <<-END

Here strings that begin with the new "<<+" notation explicitly enable escaping. The following example shows an escaped string:

(set x <<+END

There is no ambiguous form for here strings.

Unsupported sequences

These sequences were considered but are currently not supported:

\cx, \C-x control-x
\M-x meta-x (c + 0x80)
\M-\C-x Meta-Control-x