vi tips for Nu

Sunday November 22, 2009

I'm collecting some tips for using the vim code editor with Nu.

  • To reformat the contents of your buffer with nubile, use the following command:
:1,$ !nubile
  • Syntax highlight is available with a few edits to the basic vim installation. On my Snow Leopard system, the relevant files are in /usr/share/vim/vim72. First, to associate Nu with the .nu file type, edit the filetype.vim file. I added the following two lines to mine:
" Nu
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.nu,*.nujson             setf nu

You'll also need a syntax/nu.vim file. I used syntax/scheme.vim as a starting point and will post mine as it develops.

To enable syntax highlighting, run:

:syntax enable

And you can selectively turn it off and on with the following:

:syntax on
:syntax off